Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/129

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

He muses, sleeps, and dreams that he
Nine mortal ghosts at once can see,
Some tall, some short, some stout, some slim,
And all with sticks, approaching him;
They strike, and loud doth bold Crump scream,
And wakes to find it was a dream;
His wife calls out, "Why, Crump, 's that you?
Come up to bed, you stupid, do!"

But part, from out the old church tower,
The clock tells forth the midnight hour:
'Tis twelve o'clock,
Which hearing, Anthony did start,
And 'gainst his ribs his noble heart
Did bump and knock:

As to the door his neighbours came,
Calling the valiant Crump by name;
"'Tis time for starting!"
List to that wild exulting shout!
The noble Anthony turns out;
And now they're parting.

Said Anthony, "My valued friends,
Howe'er this night's adventure ends,
Which perhaps may sever
Myself and you for evermore,
You will not follow, I implore;"
They all said, "Never!"