Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/21

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Royal Marriage Song.

Written on the occasion of the espousals of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, With the Princess Alexandra, of Denmark.

Hail! Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, a glorious title's thine,
Thou brightest star of England's hope, and Brunswick's mighty line;
A Nation happy 'neath the rule of thy dear Mother, prays
That God may bless and prosper thee throughout thy future days,
Daughter of Denmark, Royal Maid, without one doubt or fear,
Take thy proud place among us—we bid thee Welcome here!
All pomp and pageant shall attend, due homage shall be paid,
Old England gladly ratifies the choice our Prince hath made.

And now ring out the merry peal, bid brazen trumpets sound.
Let cannons roar, from shore to shore, while mirth and joy abound;