Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/50

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

The Fair Maid of Trentham.

Written on the marriage of Lady Evelyn Gower with Lord Blantyre.

Let the cannon's loud roar to the bells' tuneful peal,
Tell forth in glad chorus, the joy that we feel:
Let echo, with notes of delight, swell the choir,
For the "Fair Maid of Trentham" is "Lady Blantyre."

See Scotia's famed land of the mountain and wave,
At the the shrine of our fairest hath yeilded her brave:
Far blest above others, be ever that hour
When the blood of the Stewart was blent with the Gower.

All hail to the Trentham! beneath whose proud dome
Meek pity and charity both find a home;
Where Cupid hath lit Hymen's holiest fire,
Forging fetters of love for the Lord of Blantyre.

Daughter of Sutherland, bright be thy brow,
By sorrows unclouded, and sunny as now;
Thy grief never greater than 'tis at this hour:
God bless thee! thou beautiful child of the Gower.

Come, fill up the wine cup, fill, fill to the brim—
On its surface let prayers for their happiness swim!
May heaven's protection and best gifts conspire
To bless the Young Lord and the Lady Blantyre!