Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/57

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

He has reached the form-house of his neighbour Rob Dean,
He has shouted his name at the door,
And has asked young Rob's father what such doings mean,
Such work as he ne'er saw before.
"Hold! hold!" cried his neighbour, "come in and ait down
Such matters are easy to cure;
Come give us a smile, and get rid of that frown,
For it all will coma right I'm quite sure.

"I've something to toll you, I know you'll be glad—"
"If 'twill please me," said Morgan, "why, speak!"
"Then, sweet Mabel, thy niece, and my good-looking lad,
Have been married for more than a week."
"The deuce!" shouted Morgan, "if that be the case,
Though they've acted both foolish and wrong,
Let the matter shall rest, for I once did my best
To do ditto when I was as young.
But the maiden was stupid, or else it was I,
For she went and she married my brother,
And the maiden with whom I once acted so sly
('Tis a judgment!) was Mabel's own mother."