Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/63

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

Who would mar with one care the delights of this hour,
Is not true to the Grosvenor or friend of the Gower.

Now raise every goblet filled high with choice wine,
The honour of giving the toast shall be mine:
"The Glorious Chain of Nobility" drink,
To which Grosvenor and Granville this day add a link!

Mare Mansfield or the Two Ricks of Hay.

A modern pastoral.

Mark Mansfield, the mower, was merry and blythe,
As the lark that sung over his head,
And he joked with his mates as he whetted his scythe,
And gaily he laughed as he said,
"I remember this leasow when I was a lad,
And the young master here quite a child;
There was such a swath, and the mowing was bad,
And it druv' my poor feyther half wild;
For himself and Joe Griffis had taken the job,
At so much per acre, to do—
And to find their own drink—so you'll easily think
'Twas a deuce of a job for them two!