Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/79

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

David Dobson.

A true tale.

David Dobson and his missis
Lived a very happy life,
Had their share of worldly blisses,
Little knew of worldly strife.
Wealth they'd none, nor did they need it,
Health they had, and so were blest,
If great folks frowned, they did not heed it,
Envy never marred their rest.

They'd a little house, and garden
Which David till'd with his own hand;
David did not care a "farden"
For the richest in the land.
They'd a little cow and dairy,
They'd a little pig and sty,
They'd a daughter like a fairy,
With auburn hair and mild blue eye.

Proud was David of his daughter,
Prouder still was his good bride,
Till, sad to tell, Consumption caught her,
And their gentle Bessie died!
Mark ye, how the picture's alter'd,
In the garden, weeds grow wild,
If neighbours noticed, David falter'd,
It's no use now, I've lost my child!