Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/91

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

The Manor House.

[Written expressly for E. P. Addison, Esq, Music by H. W. Du Lang, and may be had at T. Harrison's Music Warehouse, Birmingham.]

The Manor House was standing here a many years ago,
When from its gate in martial state, they marched to meet the foe.
With banners flaunting gaily, and retainers true and bold;
In those rude times a man must fight for what he meant to hold;
And later still, when civil wars were raging through the land,
"The Chief" of this Old Manor House led forth a loyal band;
While from its earliest date till now, I've one proud thing to say.
That none who ever asked relief went unrelieved away.

And as it was, so shall it be, for firm our motto stands,
Which we have borne for centuries—"Warm hearts and ready hands."
For, oh! how sad a thing it is that we should e'er refuse
A trifle to the needy, when we've more than we can use
Good deeds beget true happiness: be merry, then, and blythe;
There's nothing like a cheerful heart to blunt Time's fatal scythe;
And when at last we come to die, against our faults 'twill weigh,
That none who ever asked relief went unrelieved away.