Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/94

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

Up, Up, Dearest Sister.

Up, up, dearest sister, by first dawn of day,
Ere Sol's gentle rays chase the dew-drop away,
Where the grasshopper chirps, and the merry wild bee
Hums a note full of gladness, when birds from each tree
Their matin songs carol to welcome the morn,
And green fields bid welcome to flowret's fresh born,
Where the murmuring brook dances gaily along,
O come, gentle sister, and join the glad throng,
O come, gentle sister, and join the glad throng.

Let those that may chose it make cities their home,
Be it our happy lot through the wild woods to roam,
Where trees in their majesty wave over head,
And the wild thyme and violet make their sweet bed,
While the zephyrs sing music that angels might hear,
And the blue vault of heaven shines brightly and clear,
In suppliant posture, dear sister, we'll fall,
And offer a prayer to the Maker of all,
And offer a prayer to the Maker of all.

Never form a friendship with a man that children will not go to, and dogs will not wag their tails at. There's more in it than you'd fancy.