Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/211

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Chap. X.]

They are : — (1) Ardhadhara, (2) Atimukha, (3) Ara, (4) Badisha, (5) Dantashanku, (6) Eshani, (7) Karapatra, (8) Kartarika, (9) Kritharika, (10) Kushapatra, (ll) Mandalagra, (12) Mudrika, (13) Nakhashastra, (14) Shararimukha, (15) Suchi, (16) Trikurchaka, (17) Utpalapatraka, (18) Vriddhipatra, (19) Vrihimukha, and (20) Vetaspatra.

The dimensions of these instruments are given in detail by old writers, who at the same time recommend that new implements and instruments should be introduced in accordance with the exigencies of the time and with the advice of experienced and competent surgeons. It is also enjoined that the instruments should be made of the best steel, for the manufacture of which India has been celebrated from the remotest times ; they should be well shaped, with sharp, flawless edges, and should be kept in handsome, portable wooden boxes, with a separate compartment for each instrument. The surgical operations are performed on what are considered auspicious days. The patient is made to sit or stand with his face to the east, the surgeon before him with his face to the west. The surgeon should be cautious that no vital part, artery, vein,