Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/29

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Chap. I.]

according to the showing of these very scholars, the civilisation of the Veclic period can compare favourably with the civilisation of our modern times. The Vedic Aryan cultivated his land (vide Rig Veda, iii. 8, which says : "Let the bullocks carry the load and the cultivators till the ground ; let the plough cut up the earth well"), and lived in neat and handsome mansions (vide Rig Veda, i. 2 : "0 Earth, give us large and habitable palaces ! "). He wore neck ornaments and ear rings. The patriarch considered it his sacred duty to be a warrior, and he attended military classes for his education. He was protected by his armour {Rig Veda, i.); musicians were employed to chant hymns. Elephants were trained, and horses were gorgeously caparisoned. Artisans were liberally patronised for their manufactures. The Yajur Veda mentions weavers, sculptors, carpenters and other artisans, besides almost all the articles of manufacture generally used by a refined society. Women were well dressed, and held a high social position. The people had advanced in political condition. The Krishna Yajur Veda (i. 2-9) mentions kings, queens, commanders-in-chief, coach-drivers, magistrates (puradhyaksha), village officers, treasurers,