Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/35

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Chap. II.]

science from that sage, hit upon the following plan. They, by undertaking to preserve him from the wrath of Indra, prevailed on the sage to communicate his knowledge to them. Then, with his consent, they took off his head, replaced it skilfully with that of a horse, and acquired the wished-for knowledge. Indra, when he came to know that Dadhyanchi had broken the con- tract, struck off the sage's equine head. The Ashvins, being exceedingly proficient in surgery, rejoined the original head that had been carefully preserved. The feat excited universal approbation. But some of the fastidious gods took exception to the mode of learning adopted by the Ashvins. The cutting off one's preceptor's head, though with the best of intentions, was denounced as an atrocious act ; and as a consequence, the Ashvins were outcasted by the gods for the unpardonable sin, and refused admittance to their share in the sacrificial rites. The brothers then had recourse to a sage named Chyavana, who, though very old and decrepit, had newly married Sukanya, a young and charming daughter of king Sarayati. The physicians prescribed him an electuary, which soon freed him from his decrepitude, restored him his health, youth, and vigour,