Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/72

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[Chap. V.

recommended, and in the rainy season the body may, with advantage, be smeared with a preparation of sandal, saffron and musk. Good men are advised never to put on dirty clothes, as they cause irritation and other diseases of the skin, and make one look disreputable. One should wear flowers and ornaments according to one's taste and means. Fragrant flowers and leaves beautify the body, excite amorous passion, 'and drive away evil spirits. Gold is holy, auspicious, and a giver of contentment. Precious stones possess the efficacy of averting evil eyes and evil influences of the planets, as well as bad dreams and wicked intentions. Charaka adds that, after the purification of the body and before meals, it is proper to devote some time to the worship of the Almighty.

A man should take his meals twice a day — in the morning between nine and twelve o'clock, and in the evening between seven and ten. The meals should not be taken in a public place, as it is said that eating, cohabiting and answering the calls of nature should always be done in private. A dinner-service of gold is the best from a medicinal point of view, and it is supposed to be the best tonic for the eye. Eating out of silver is equally