Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/86

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[Chap. V.

eye-lids, and red oxide of lead (Sindura) to her forehead, and chew the Pan mixed with the usual spices. Both the husband and wife should be in most cheerful spirits. There should be no sign of pain or sorrow on the face of either. The wife is then to wash the feet of her lord, rub fragrant powders over his body, and burn incense before him. She places before him milk boiled with sugar, nutmeg, saffron, almond and musk to drink, and herself drinks what is left. She then offers him betel-nut and various spices wrapped in a betel-leaf, and then rests her head on his feet, takes him for her God, and calls to mind the names of worthy men that have flourished in the family, or of any celebrated sage or warrior or holy person. The husband also remembers his Creator, and prays to be blessed with a good child.*[1] He then indulges in coition when the breath is flowing through his right nostril. For it is said that "dinner, evacuation of the bowels, cohabitation, sleep, interview with kings, fighting and taking medi-

  1. * All this shows that the Hindoos believe in the influence on the offspring of the mental impressions of the parents at the time of its conception, and recognised, ages ago, Genaetology, or the science of begetting healthy and beautiful children, which is just beginning to receive attention in other countries.