Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/97

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Chap. VI.]

differently. The author of the "Rasa-pradipa" describes this fire as an exceedingly minute heating substance situated in the middle of the navel. It communicates heat to the bile and digests the food received in the stomach. In the largest animal it is no larger than a barley corn ; in smaller animals it is as small as a sesamum seed, while in worms and insects it is as minute as the point of a hair.

Ranjaka remains in the liver and the spleen, and imparts redness to the essential juice, which then becomes blood.

Sadhaka is in the heart. It sharpens the memory, the intelligence, and the understanding.

Alochaka has its seat in the eyes, and supports the power of vision.

Bhrajaka is situated in the skin, to which it gives brightness and a healthy colour. It absorbs applications made to the skin, and improves the complexion.

KAFA is white, heavy, oleaginous, viscid, cooling and sweet, but becomes salt when defective. It is of the following five sorts, according to the locality in which it is situated :

Kledana is in the stomach. It moistens the