Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/430

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410 A.D. 635. Tai-tsung received Nestorian missionaries. 637. Battle of Kadessia. 638. Jerusalem surrendered to the Caliph Omar. 642. Heraclius died. 643. Othman third Caliph. 655. Defeat of the Byzantine fleet by the Moslems. 668. The Caliph Moawija attacked Constantinople by sea. 687. Pepin of Hersthal, mayor of the palace, reunited Aus- trasia and Neustria. 711. Moslem army invaded Spain from Africa. 715. The domains of the Caliph Walid I extended from the Pyrenees to China. 717-18. Suleiman, son and suc- cessor of Walid, failed to take Constantinople. 732. Charles Martel defeated the Moslems near Poitiers. 751. Pepin crowned King of the French. 768. Pepin died. 771. Charlemagne sole king. 774. Charlemagne conquered Lom- bardy. 786. Haroun al Raschid Abbasid Caliph in Bagdad (to 809). 795. Leo III became Pope (to 816). 800. Leo crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the "West. 802. Egbert, formerly an Enghsh refugee at the court of Charlemagne, established himself as King of Wessex. 810. Krum of Bulgaria defeated and killed the Emperor Nice- phorus. 814. Charlemagne died. 828. Egbert became first King of England. 843. Louis the Pious died, and the Carlovingian Empire went to pieces. Until 962 there was no regular succession of Holy Roman Emperors, though the title appeared inter- mittently. Chronological Table A.D. 850. About this time Rurik (a Northman) became ruler of Novgorod and Kieff. 852. Boris first Christian King of Bulgaria (to 884). 865. The fleet of the Russians (Northmen) threatened Constantinople. 904. Russian (Northmen) fleet off Constantinople. 912. Rolf the Ganger established himself in Normandy. 919. Henry the Fowler elected King of Germany. 936. Otto I became King of Ger- many in succession to his father, Henry the Fowler. 941 . Russian fleet again threatened Constantinople. 962. Otto I, King of Germany, crowned Emperor (first Saxon Emperor) by John xn. 987. Hugh Capet became King of France. End of the Car- lovingian line of French kings. 1016. Canute became King of England, Denmark, and Norway. 1043. Russian fleet threatened Con- stantinople. 1066. Conquest of England by William, Duke of Nor- mandy. 1071. Revival of Islam under the Seljuk Turks. Battle of Melasgird. 1073. Hildebrand became Pope (Gregory VII) to 1085. 1084. Robert Guiscard, the Nor- man, sacked Rome. 1087-99. Urban II Pope. 1095. Urban II at Clermont sum- moned the First Crusade. 1096. Massacre of the People's Crusade. 1099. Godfrey of Bouillon cap- tured Jerusalem. 1147. The Second Crusade. 1169. Saladin Sultan of Egypt. 1176. Frederick Barbarossa ac- knowledged supremacy of