Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/433

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Chronological Table 413 A.D. A.D. Emperor of Austria in 1805, and in 1806 lie dropped the title of Holy Roman Em- peror. So the " Holy Roman Empire " came to 1865. an end. Prussia overthrown at Jena. Napoleon made his brother 1870. Joseph King of Spain. Spanish America became re- 1871. publican. Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. Abdication of Napoleon. 1878. Louis XVIII. Charles X of .France. Nicholas I of Russia. First railway, Stockton to Dar- 1888. lington. Battle of Navarino. Greece independent. 1912. A year of disturbance. Louis 1914. Philippe ousted Charles X. Belgium broke away from 1917. Holland. Leopold of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha became king of this new country, Bel- 1918. gium, Russian Poland re- 1920. volted ineffectually. • ] -Y^Y ^ 1835. The word "socialism" first , ' ' used. Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha. 1921. Napoleon III Emperor of the French. -56. Crimean War. Alexander II of Russia. 1922. Victor Emmanuel First King 1806. 1808. 1810. 1812. 1814. 1824. 1825. 1827. 1829. 1830. 1837. 1840. 1852. 1854- 1856. 1861. of Italy. Abraham Lin- coln became President, U.S.A. The American Civil War began. Surrender of Court House, to the world Napoleon HI Appomattox Japan opened declared war against Prussia. Paris surrendered (January). The King of Prussia be- came " German Emperor." The Peace of Frankfort. The Treaty of Berlin. The Armed Peace of forty-six years began in western Europe. Frederick II (March), William II (June), German Em- perors. China became a republic. The Great War in Europe began. The two Russian revolutions. Establishment of the Bol- shevik regime in Russia. The Armistice. First meeting of the League of Nations, from which Germany, Austria, Russia, and Turkey were excluded and at which the United States was not repre- sented. The Greeks in complete dis- regard of the League of Nations make war upon the Turks. Great defeat of the Greeks in Asia Minor by the Turks.