Page:A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu/23

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GOODENIA ramosissima.

Branching blue Goodenia.


PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Fl. of one petal, superior.

Gen. Char. Caps. bilocularis, bivalvis, polysperma; dissepimento parallelo. Semina imbricata, Cor. supra longitudinaliter fissa, genitalia exserens; limbo quinquefido, secundo. Antheræ lineares. Stigma urceolatum, ciliatum.

Caps. with two cells, two valves, and many seeds; partition parallel to the valves. Seeds imbricated. Cor. longitudinally cloven on the upper side, exposing the organs of fructification; limb five-cleft, leaning one way. Antheræ linear. Stigma cup-shaped, ciliated.

Spec. Char. G. foliis lineari-lanceolatis subdentatis cauleque hispidis, stylo apice hirsutissimo, corolla extus pilosa.
