Page:A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu/52

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Brown Gum Tree, or New Holland Mahogany.



Gen. Char. Cal. superus, persistens, truncatus, ante anthesin tectus operculo integerrimo, deciduo. Cor. nulla. Caps. quadrilocularis, apice dehiscens, polysperma.

Cal superior, permanent, truncated, covered before flowering with an entire lid, soon falling off. Cor. none. Caps. of 4 cells, opening at the top, containing many seeds.

Spec. Char. E. operculo conico medio constricto, umbellis lateralibus terminalibusque; pedunculis pedicellisque compressis.

Lid conical, contracted in the middle. Umbels lateral and terminal; general and partial flower-stalks compressed.

THE genus of Eucalyptus, established by the celebrated French botanist M. L'Heritier, of whose fate amid the present dreadful convulsions of his country we have