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Jainagar contains a large bázár. The Dángánichá Khál runs close up to the roadside, and water communication between Jainagar and Calcutta is kept up by several small watercourses, which ultimately lead into Tolly’s Canal. Lat. 22° 10' 55" N.; long. 88° 27' 40" E.

(15) Gobardanga.—In the north of the District, on the bank of the Jamuná. Population: Hindus, males, 2298; females, 2619—total, 4917. Muhammadans, males, 1021; females, 1003—total, 2024. Others, males, nil; females, 11. Total of all denominations, males, 3319; females, 3633—grand total, 6952. Municipal income in 1872, £356, 12s. 0d.; expenditure, £307, 10s. 0d. Rate of taxation, 1s. d. per head of the population. The town police consists of one head constable and 17 men. Lat. 22° 52' 40" N.; long. 88° 47' 55" E.

(16) Kalaroa.—A police station in Sátkhirá Subdivision; 917 houses. Estimated population in 1869, 4585. Population, ascertained by the Census of 1872: Hindus, males, 1214; females, 1121—total, 2335. Muhammadans, males, 1888; females, 1714—total, 3602. Total of all denominations, males, 3102; females, 2835 —grand total, 5937. Average number of persons per house, 6.4. Municipal income in 1869, £118,14s. 0d.; expenditure, £73, 6s. 0d. Income in 1872, £121, 4s. 0d.; expenditure, £152, 18s. 0d. Rate of taxation, d. per head of the population. The town police consists of 1 head constable and 10 men. Lat. 22° 42' 35" N.; long. 89° 7' 55" E.

(17) Kadihati.—1109 houses. Estimated population in 1869, 3688. Ascertained population in 1872: Hindus, males, 1887; females, 1964—total, 3851. Muhammadans, males, 951; females, 878—total, 1829. Total of all denominations, males, 2838; females, 2842—grand total, 5680. Average number of persons per house, 51. Municipal income in 1869, £154, 11s. 0d.; expenditure, £118, 11s. 6d. Income in 1872, £117, 14s. 7d.; expenditure, £112, 9s. 1d. Rate of municipal taxation, d. per head of the population. The machinery for the protection of person and property in the town consists of 1 head constable and 8 men. Lat. 22° 39' 10" N.; long. 88° 29' 48" E.

(18) Taki.—A considerable village in the east of the District, on the Jamuná River, in Sátkhirá Subdivision; 1135 houses in 1869. Estimated population in 1869, 5675. Ascertained population in 1872: Hindus, males, 2111; females, 2332—total, 4443. Muhammadans, males, 442; females, 376—total, 818. Total of all denomi-