Page:A Study in Colour - Augusta Zelia Fraser.pdf/24

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A Study in Colour.

There was a board affixed to the rudely constructed counter, on which, in rather shaky characters, it was announced that the owner of the shop, "Josiah de Paz" was "authorised deler" in "Agricultural Produse"—a fact that a heap of green cocoa nuts, a large bunch of yellow bananas, and a glowing pile of scarlet akees, assisted to emphasise. The value of the entire stock may, perhaps, have amounted to two shillings; but as far as beauty of colour was concerned, Aladdin's jewels could not have surpassed them in splendour. Josiah also sold the more prosaic molasses, and a few other simple household necessaries.

An edifice built up carelessly of the vivid blue soap that is so prized by Creole washerwomen was particularly noticeable, while a cluster of common tin mugs hanging from a string caught the sunlight most effectively, and kindly flashed it on to the darker corners of the little shop.

Some gaudy checked handkerchiefs were disposed flag-wise from the rafters, while, to complete the little picture, a gorgeous flamboyant tree in full bloom over hung the tiny shingled roof, and with its fern-like leaves of emerald