Page:A Study in Colour - Augusta Zelia Fraser.pdf/28

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A Study in Colour.

"Glad it please you, Missus. Plenty folk laugh when I buy it; but I tink I look berry nice in it, so I no care what dey say;" and she cast a semi-defiant look at the older women.

Evidently the garment in question had been the cause of some discussion among the black élégantes of the district. Clearly also the wearer was a young lady of unusual character, and possessed an original taste of her own.

The acquaintance of the Missus with my heroine might have begun and ended here, but some six weeks afterwards she chanced to stay for a considerable time at the Summerlands Hotel. Now there are hotels in Creolia, but their number is so limited at present, that I may be forgiven if I hint that at the time I speak of they were hardly up to our European standard of comfort. As far as the outer edifices are concerned , little remains to be desired, for in a moment of enthusiasm the Creolians erected various large and lofty buildings for the purpose. The beauty of the scenery of their lovely West Indian island, and the softness of its climate, held out hopes that a perpetual crop of winter tourists would speedily cause them to reap