Page:A Study in Colour - Augusta Zelia Fraser.pdf/36

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A Study in Colour.

only your silver teeth puzzled me. What has become of them? You certainly had them yesterday."

At this direct question Justina looked down, giggled, hesitated, and at last took heart of grace and spoke out boldly.

"Well, Missus, see hyar. It best to tell de trut. 'Fore I come hyar, I lib two years as butleress down town wid Dr. Parratt, de 'Merican dentist. Mrs. Parratt berry good lady, Missus. I see all de rich ladies come to him. It was grand to see dem, only sometimes de poor tings bawl plenty, 'cos he hurt dem drefful bad. Often, too, dey go 'way wid deir teeth all gilt. Den when I coming hyar, an' want to look fine an' pretty too, I tink ob my teeth. Dey white, Missus, an' I show dem plenty." And Justina gave here a specimen of her wide mouthed smile. "Well, Missus, I tink I will hab fine gilt teeth too, same as de white Buckra ladies; so I tuk some pieces ob silber off ob de wine bottles in de bar. Brown he help me do it. Shampain wine dey call it, an' I cubber my teeth wid de stuff. True it silber, an' no gold, but it shines all de same, an' look smart, an' make me look all de same as de white ladies dat spend