Page:A Study in Colour - Augusta Zelia Fraser.pdf/38

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A Study in Colour.

the Missus endured without discontent the great deserted Summerlands Hotel, for being on the slope of the mountains, it was considerably cooler than the stifling streets of Port Albert.

The boy was a constant source of mingled anxiety and amusement to his mother, as is the wont of most only children; but the Creole climate appeared to suit him well, and he grew and flourished with almost tropical haste.

To Justina the pretty white baby boy was a revelation indeed, and it was well-nigh impossible to keep her away from her small self-created deity.

Providence favoured her; for on the Missus's ancient and black nurse falling ill, Justina deliberately and unobtrusively slipped into her place, and, almost before she was aware of it, exchanged the exciting uncertainties of the hotel service for the more monotonous rule of the Missus.

This transfer afforded to the girl herself the keenest satisfaction. If too much devotion be a fault in a nurse, Justina failed in her duties, for her whole heart and soul were bound up in her little charge. It may indeed be said that she completely annexed the baby, but Baby Billy