Page:A Study of Mexico.djvu/13

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This book owes its origin to the following circumstances:

During the early months of the year 1885, the author, in pursuit of health and recreation solely, availed himself of an opportunity to visit Mexico, under peculiarly favorable conditions.

The journey, it may be further premised, was mainly made upon a special train, over the whole length of the "Mexican Central Railroad," over most of the "Vera Cruz and City of Mexico," and over a part of the "Mexican National," Railroads; the aggregate distance traversed within the territory of the republic being in excess of three thousand miles, the train running upon its own time, with its own equipment for eating and sleeping, and stopping long enough at every point of interest—city, town, hacienda mine, or desert—to abundantly satisfy curiosity, and answer every immediate demand, for information.

It is safe, therefore, to say that such facilities for leisurely visiting and studying so much of Mexico had rarely, if ever, before been granted.