Page:A Thin Ghost and Others.djvu/89

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‘Any one might think we were Jasper and Durdles, over again, mightn’t they,’ said Lake, as they crossed the close, for he had ascertained that the Verger had read Edwin Drood.

‘Well, so they might,’ said Mr. Worby, with a short laugh, ‘though I don’t know whether we ought to take it as a compliment. Odd ways, I often think, they had at that Cathedral, don’t it seem so to you, sir? Full choral matins at seven o’clock in the morning all the year round. Wouldn’t suit our boys’ voices nowadays, and I think there’s one or two of the men would be applying for a rise if the Chapter was to bring it in-particular the alltoes.’

They were now at the south-west door. As Mr. Worby was unlocking it, Lake said, ‘Did you ever find anybody locked in here by accident?’

‘Twice I did. One was a drunk sailor; however he got in I don’t know. I s’pose he went to sleep in the service, but by the time I got to him he was praying fit to bring the roof in. Lor’! what a noise that man did make! said it was the first time he’d been inside a church for ten years, and blest if ever he’d try it again. The other was an old sheep: them boys it was, up to their games. That was the last time they tried it on, though. There, sir,