Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/194

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lages. Soon after our arrival, a young chief, who accompanied us, found a young woman, with whom he contracted matrimony, which afforded an opportunity to witness their marriage ceremonies. Proclamation was made, by one of the relations, that on the next day, in the morning, the marriage would be celebrated. The next morning the bride was dressed in all her finery, and the groom in his richest attire. The company assembled at her father's lodge, where the chief of the village attended. He informed the company, that the young man, calling him by name, intended to take the girl, calling her by name, to be his wife. He then asked each of them if that were their intention, which each of them answered in the affirmative. The chief then handed them a small rod, which was broken between them. The groom then broke his part into a number of small pieces, and handed them to the men who stood near to him. The bride did the same with her part of the rod, which consumated the marriage. Fire was then brought, and the sacred pipe was lighted. After all the men had smoked in it, the dance commenced, which was continued for several hours. As soon as it was finished, the groom took his bride to his lodge to live with him.

These people entertain ideas of chastity very different from any civilized nation. If a stranger comes to reside with them in their cabins a for several days, he is presented with the wife or a