Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/15

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became endowed with a large portion of sullen resignation, which answered all the purposes of fortitude, and is indeed, in men of ordinary habits of thinking, a substitute quality for that virtue.

Poor ——— felt almost nothing for herself; but her sympathy was deeply excited for Captain ———, whose share of the vessel, purchased by the accumulations of many years of industrious frugality, was uninsured. His was the loss of property which it had been the labour of his life to obtain; it was a little store for the winter of his days, to provide for the wants of existence, when age and infirmities demand the quiets of indolent ease. The crew also claimed a large tribute of her sorrow: each eagerly told his history, and received his share of pity. They were all of them men who maintained large families by their industry; and I was pleased to find, that the concern which they felt for the distresses which their wives and children would suffer from their absence, in this season of awful scarcity, was unspeakably superior to any feeling of a personal consideration. I can