Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/174

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The botanic garden. — Palm-tree. — Antiques. — Theatre of anatomy. — Public library. — Portraits of illustrious Dutchmen. — Medallions of English republicans. — St. Peter's church, a place of confinement for the English and Russian prisoners. — The gazette of Leyden. — Dutch newspapers. — Woollen manufactures of Leyden. — Probable state of the university when peace shall be restored.

Leyden, November, 1800.

THE botanic garden of Leyden, which belongs to the university, has enjoyed for a century and a half a distinguished reputation throughout Europe. It occupies about four acres of ground, and is in excellent order. Many of the trees and plants (those probably which are the rarest), have scrolls of parchment attached to them, on which is written, for the use of students, a description