Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/208

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Arrival at Amsterdam. — Politeness of a Dutch lady. — The English Bible. — Servants of hotels in Holland. — Condition of servants in general throughout the United Provinces. — The French theatre. — Profusion of diamonds worn by the ladies. — A sledge coach. — Examination of passports. — General d'Henisdal. — The Doele hotel stadthouse of Amsterdam. — Apartment in which sentence of death is pronounced on criminals. — Basso-relievos. — Great hall of the stadthouse. — Pictures. — Carillons. — Prison for felons and debtors. — Humane laws of the republic respecting debtors. — Few persons are punished with death in Holland. — Bank of Amsterdam. — External appearance of the stadthouse. — Figure of Atlas. — Hat of liberty. — Custom-house.

Amsterdam, November, 1800.

WE arrived at this great city about four in the afternoon, during a very heavy shower of rain, which would have thoroughly drenched