Page:A Treasury of South African Poetry.djvu/279

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The dying sun, with mellow ray,
Illum'd the deep'ning gloom
Of carvéd apse and storied bay
And costly sculptur'd tomb.
On aisle and chapel, choir and shrine,
The morient beam delay'd;
Its ling'ring beauty, half divine,
Upon the altar stray'd.

Before that altar knelt a man
Absorbed in earnest pray'r;
His pallid face, with suff'ring wan,
Was overcast with care.
Fast, fast the eager tear-drops rolled
Adown his bronzèd cheek,
His heaving bosom's sobs foretold
His very heart would break.

His harness, all of metal tried,
Was cunningly inlaid
With jewels rare, and by his side
His golden helm display'd;
A silken scarf, of gorgeous sheen,
Upon his breast he wore,
And rev'rently, his hands atween,
A crucifix he bore.