Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/244

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That what is not Modest cannot be Decent. If then Christians are to do Things of good Report, certainly Things not Decent and not Modest, are forbidden them. How the Practice of our modern Christians in this particular Article are either Modest, Decent, or of good Report, enquire within, and you shall know farther.

It is the Opinion of some, that after there is no more room to expert Children, it is not lawful to marry. Nor are the People who are of this Opinion, the looser or weaker Part of Mankind; but the serious, solid and religious, as also Persons of Judgment and Learning, and they ground it upon this very Text, Phil. iv, 8. of good Report; and upon comparing this with what is expressly mentioned in the Office of Matrimony, namely, that the principal End of Matrimony, as an Ordinance or Institution of God, is for the lawful Procreation of Children. Now to what End then, say they, is Matrimony, when the Person, that is, the Woman in particular, is past Child-bearing? All the rest can be nothing but what is not fit to name. The Office of Matrimony indeeds adds, that another Reason of Matrimony is to prevent Fornication, Remed. Amoris.

Now if the married Couple are past Children, one would think too, it should be time for them to quit the other Plea; and then let them tell us, if they can without Blushes, whether they have any Plea for Matrimony, that does not come within my Title, viz. Conjugal Lewdness, or Matrimonial Whoredom? There are many scandalous Things might be said upon this Subject, but I turn it all another Way, and had rather mention it by Way of Question;let