Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/388

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[ 374 ]

Then you talk'd with him, it seems, says the Lady.

The Company were very merry, says he, and every Body talk'd. But he has a World of Wit, that's certain.

Nay, I know you are a good Judge, says the Lady.

No, Madam, says she, that don't follow; but all the Company said so, as well as I.

Not to his Face, I hope.

No, Madam; but he went away. My Lord ——— fetch'd him away in his Coach and six.

This touch'd her again, and the cunning Manager could perceive it plain enough. So she dropp'd the Discourse again, and run on upon other Things; but upon several Turns the Lady brought it about again: At last, she was simple enough to ask her, If she thought there was any Thing in it? Which was all the Creature wanted.

She answered, yes, indeed, she believed there was, for she could perceive the Gentleman was mightily pleased when any Body did but speak of her.

But who, says the Lady, could pretend to name me to him.

O, Madam, says she, I doubt not he had given Occasion enough for that before.

I hope you took no notice that you knew me, says the Lady.

Nay, Madam, how could I help that, says she, when they all told him I lodged in the same House.

Why, that's true indeed, says the Lady, I didn't think of that.

Well, Madam, you need not be concern'd, says she, I said nothing to your Disadvantage, I assure you.
