Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/420

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[ 406 ]

should be so weak, not to say malicious, let them know, that I think the Expression carries with it a due reverence of the Name of God; and that the Occasion is awful and solemn; and if I had said, So help me, God, it had been the same thing: The meaning is, to convince Men that how slight however they pass over the Marriage Covenant, it is a solemn Appeal to God for the Truth of the Intention; and a solemn binding themselves in his Name and Presence, to a strict Performance of the Conditions; and that he that breaks them breaks a most sacred Oath, and is as much Perjured as if he had been so in the ordinary Form.



PAg.353. line 13. for or at read and at. line 17. for the read that. line 21, for is needful read is not needful. P. 354. lin. 15. for as I read I. P. 355. lin. 29. for and some read and perhaps in some. P. 366. lin. 7. for Criminal read Crime. P. 368. lin. 25. for righteous read unrighteous.