Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/78

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[ 64 ]

vock this conjugal Lewdness has made among their otherwise pretty Families; I spare Names, because I desire the Reproof may be Matter of Reflection to themselves, rather than Scandal.

As to some others, who I could mention too both Christian and Sirname, and who richly deserve it; who are so far from Shame, that they make it every Day the boasts of their Coffee-house-chat, their Table-talk, and ordinary Conversation; I leave them to the dismal Time of Reproach, when those unhappy Children which they now are not ashamed to show one another as the Examples of their Wickedness, shall again remind them of it, and curse them to their Faces.

The Case indeed will not bear entering farther into Particulars; nor will it so much as allow the necessary Expostulations which I should otherwise make here with those married Christians, (for such I am talking to) who I would persuade to reflect upon it; 'tis hard, that neither the Case itself will bear an enquiring into, nor the Persons guilty bear to be talked to. How can any Persons who are really guilty of this conjugal Uncleanness, reproach an Author for the Sin of naming what they are not ashamed of doing? I look upon the Crime with Abhorrence, and I could refer you to the Scripture, where it is branded with a Title that deserves it; as I say, I look on the Crime with Abhorrence, so I add, that I look on the Persons with something beyond it, and can only add this of them, that as they were not to be touch'd under the Law, so they are not to be named under the Gospel. God would not take them for Jews till they were wash'd, and I
