Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/99

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lay aside the use of Reason, and act unlike a Man, or a Christian, or even a Brute; that he is to be a Fury, outrageous, unsatisfied, and entirely out even of his own Government; That he or she is to lay aside all Considerations for the she or he they are concerned withal; all compassion for Circumstances, Infirmities, Weakness, &c of whatsoever kind, or proceeding from whatsoever Cause; that they are at liberty thus to be furious, and to act meerly in gratification of their own Pleasures, without any other or better Consideration, and to do whatever they think fit in the pursuit of their present gust of Appetite, even to the ruin and destruction of the Husband or Wife; I say, if this can be made appear to be just, then I am answered.

But if not, then Reason, and Modesty, and Virtue ought to be listened to; and the cravings of Nature, if they are extravagant, should be governed by the Rules which Nature is subjected to. The thing is a Disease and a Distemper in it self; and though it may be called Constitution and Nature, 'tis a mistake; 'tis not Constitution, but a Plague in the Constitution; 'tis a kind of Fever or Calenture in the Blood; 'tis, in a word, to carry it no farther, a Frenzy in the Creature; whether in the Head or elsewhere, is not to the purpose, but such it is, and they ought to apply to Art, I mean Physick, to abate the Acrimony of their Blood, restrain the Excesses of high feeding, hard drinking, and luxurious living; reducing themselves at least so, as to bring under the Flesh; bring Nature under the Government of Reafon, and, in short, bring the Body under thecom-