Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/28

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xxii CONTENTS.  
Art. Page
818. Kinetic and potential energy of the medium 406
819. Condition of wave-propagation 406
820. The action of magnetism must depend on a real rotation about the direction of the magnetic force as an axis 407
821. Statement of the results of the analysis of the phenomenon 407
822. Hypothesis of molecular vortices 408
823. Variation of the vortices according to Helmholtz's law 409
824. Variation of the kinetic energy in the disturbed medium 409
825. Expression in terms of the current and the velocity 410
826. The kinetic energy in the case of plane waves 410
827. The equations of motion 411
828. Velocity of a circularly-polarized ray 411
829. The magnetic rotation 412
830. Researches of Verdet 413
831. Note on a mechanical theory of molecular vortices 415
Chapter XXII.
Electric Theory of Magnetism
832. Magnetism is a phenomenon of molecules 418
833. The phenomena of magnetic molecules may be imitated by electric currents 419
834. Difference between the elementary theory of continuous magnets and the theory of molecular currents 419
835. Simplicity of the electric theory 420
836. Theory of a current in a perfectly conducting circuit 420
837. Case in which the current is entirely due to induction 421
838. Weber's theory of diamagnetism 421
839. Magnecrystallic induction 422
840. Theory of a perfect conductor 422
841. A medium containing perfectly conducting spherical molecules 423
842. Mechanical action of magnetic force on the current which it excites 423
843. Theory of a molecule with a primitive current 424
844. Modifications of Weber's theory 425
845. Consequences of the theory 425

Chapter XXIII.

Theories of Action at a Distance.

846. Quantities which enter into Ampère's formula 426
847. Relative motion of two electric particles 426