Page:A Treatise on Geology, volume 2.djvu/375

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Tynedale, great fault of, i. 41,42. Its length, 43.


Uddevalla, vast quantities of shells found at, and their use for the making of footpaths, i. 324. Explored by Linnaeus, 327.
Ulverstone, dip of stratified rocks at, i. 37.
Undulations of the interior of the earth, ii. 322. Remarkable instances of, 323.
Unstratified rocks, i. 45. Crystallisation of, 47. See Rocks, Unstratified and Igneous.
Ural, survey of, by Sir R. Murchison, ii. 336.


Val d'Arno, ossiferous beds of the, i. 280. Animal remains found in, ii. 48.
Val di Fassa (Alps), hypersthenic granite of, i. 108.
Valenciennes, M., his application of the name Thylacotherium to marsupials, i. 96.
Valley formations, ancient, ii. 2. Their origin suggestive of interesting inquiries, 4. Rock terraces in, 6.
Valparaiso, raised by convulsive movements, ii. 241.
Van Diemen's Land, corals and sponges abundant in, i. 105. Coal of, 183.
Vauquelin, M., his analysis of obsidian from Hecla, ii. 94.
Veins, mineral, in disturbed rocks, i. 44. In igneous rocks, 72. ii. 99. Werner's distinction between true and false, ii. 155. Their geographical distribution, 156. Their occurrence near centres of igneous action, 159. Relation of, to the substance and structure of neighbouring rocks, 163. Relation of, to one another, 171. Theory of, 177. Are posterior to the rocks which they traverse, 178. Origin of vein fissures, 188. Filling of the fissures, 192. Recapitulation of the subject, 196.
Verde, Cape de, volcanic in character, ii. 231.
Vermuiden, Sir Cornelius, drains Hatfield Chase, ii. 65.
Verneuil, Dr., geological labours of, i. 200.
Verschoyle, Archdeacon, on the trap dykes of Mayo and Sligo, ii. 98.
Vertebral remains, tables of, found in post-tertiary accumulations, 304.
Vesuvius, incidental reference to, i. 277. Deposition of specular iron in lava of, ii. 160. Phenomena attending its eruptions, 204. Minerals found in products of, 210. Eruption of, destroys Torre del Greco, 211. Various eruptions of. 213. 217, et seq. Discharge of boiling water from, 215. Its history very instructive, 216. Its cone of modern date, 216. Pliny's narrative of the great eruption, 216. Weight of stones ejected from, 235.
Villarica, volcano of, 230.
Virgil, reference to Æneid of, ii. 220.
Volcanic action, remarks on, ii. 201. Exhibition of the forces of, 234. See Volcanos.
Volcanic rocks, synopsis of, ii. 83. Classification of, 84 87. See Volcanos.
Volcanos, of Auvergne, and Euganean Hills and Hungary, phenomena attending violence of, i, 278. Of Etna and Vesuvius, 277, 278. See Etna, Vesuvius. Phenomena of, indicative of presence and degree of heat below the earth's surface, ii. 200. Action of, 201. Origin of, 202. Phenomena attending those in action, 208. Earthquakes premonitory of eruptions of, 208. Dispersion of ashes and stones by, 213. 235. Extinction of, 216. Account of extinct, 220. Geographical distribution of, 221. Asiatic, 227. American, 229. African, 231. Australian, 232. Of the Indian Ocean, 232. Of the Pacific Ocean, 232. Geological age of, 233. Eruption forces of earthquakes, 234. Hypothesis of volcanic action, 248.
Vosges mines, temperature of the, ii. 270.


Wales, principality of, dip of stratified rocks in, i. 38. Mica schist and gneiss rarely occur in, 58. Cleavage of rocks in, 68. Slate of, 126, et seq. Surveyed by Murchison, 136. Coal fields of, 181.