Page:A Treatise on Painting.djvu/70

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Ducci, library-keeper at Florence, and a copy of which is still remaining in the same city[1]?

The Trivulce family at Milan, according to Venturi[2], possess also a manuscript of Vinci, which is in great part only a vocabulary.

Of the volume in the possession of his Britannic Majesty, the following account is given in the life of Leonardo, prefixed to that number already published from it by Mr. Chamberlaine: “It was one of the three volumes which became the property of Pompeo Leoni, that is now in his Majesty’s cabinet. It is rather probable than certain, that this great curiosity was acquired for King Charles I. by the Earl of Arundel, when he went Ambassador to the Emperor Ferdinand II. in 1636, as may indeed be inferred from an instructive inscription over the place where the volumes are kept, which sets forth, that James King of England offered three thousand pistoles for one of the volumes of Leonardo’s works. And some documents in the Ambrosian library give colour to this conjecture. This volume was happily preserved during the civil wars of the last century among other specimens of the fine arts, which the munificence of

  1. “Lettere Pittoriche, vol. ii.” Venturi, 36.
  2. P. 36. His authority is Gerli, Disegni del Vinci, Milano, 1784, fol.