Page:A Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones.djvu/12

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on the subject, may be considered as hints, to be followed out by the perusal of the works of respectable practical Authors.

With a few exceptions I have described only those morbid conditions of the osseous tissue, which have come under my own observation. I have not, therefore, referred so frequently to the works of former writers, as might have been expected. Besides, some of the information detailed in the following pages, was obtained in conversation with professional friends, and with this acknowledgment, I beg to offer them my sincere thanks; in articular, to Sir Astley Cooper, to Professors Monro, Ballingall and Turner, to Drs. John Thomson and Knox, to Messrs Stanley, Howship, and A. Shaw, of London, and to Mr Turner of Manchester.

I beg also to mention with gratitude, the liberality of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, in permitting me to subjoin to this Treatise, a Catalogue of the Preparations which illustrate the Diseases of the Bone and of the Joints, and which are contained in their excellent Museum. The value of this Catalogue will be enhanced to the pathologist, when he is informed that a great portion of it was drawn up by my friend Mr Charles Bell, Professor of Physiology in the London University.

26, St Andrews Square, Edinburgh,

1st October 1828.