Page:A Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones.djvu/18

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The Diseases of Bone may, I think, be classed under Six General Heads, each of which includes a number of subdivisions.

I. The First Head includes the various kinds of Inflammation to which Bone and its Membranes are subject, viz.

I. Inflammation of the Periosteum.
2. Inflammation of the Surfaces of Bone.
3. Inflammation of the Internal Structure, or Interstitial Inflammation of Bone.
4. Suppurative Inflammation of Bone.
5. Scrofulous Inflammation of Bone.
6. Adhesive Inflammation of Bone.

II. Under the Second Head are included the consequences of Inflammation, viz.

1. Abscess in Bone.
2. Ulceration of Bone.
3. Mortification of Bone.

III. The Third Head includes those affections of bone which apparently depend upon a morbid condition of its assimilating vessels, viz.

1. Softening of Bone.
2. Brittleness of Bone.