Page:A Treatise upon the Small-Pox.pdf/42

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Of the several Sorts

Sect. II.

Of the several Sorts or Species of the Small-Pox.

HE lowest and most favourable are those of the distinct Sort, which are cast forth upon the Face and Body in broader red Spots, with considerable Spaces between them, and are for that Reason call’d the distinct Sort, to discriminate them from others of a more dangerous Nature, that shall afterwards be accounted for, and not being accompanied with violent Disorders, they make their Appearance most commonly on the fourth Day: And therefore it has been a great Mistake in Judgment, and a pernicious Error in Practice, by warm and cordial Medicines, to hasten and drive out the Small-Pox, and by that Means, to precipitate Nature’s Intentions, and disturb her regular Progress; which Custom too much prevails at this Time among many ignorant and injudicious Persons, especially in the Country, who by giving at the beginning Venice-Treacle, Sack, Mithridate, Saffron, and other Medicines of like active Quality, design to promote their coming forth speedily, by which inconsiderate Conduct, they will not suffer the operative Principles of the Blood to do their Duty in their own orderly Way, but spur them on,
