Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/24

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tion made, and also even in those which are subdued, and seeme to acknowledge subjection; yet the same Brehon law is practised among themselves, by reason, that, dwelling as they doe, whole nations and septs of the Irish together, without any Englishman amongst them, they may doe what they list, and compound or altogether conceale amongst themselves their owne crimes, of which no notice can be had, by them which would and might amend the same, by the rule of the lawes of England.

Eudox. What is this which you say? And is there any part of that realme, or any nation therein, which have not yet beene subdued to the crowne of Ene 1 land? Did not the whole realme universally accept and acknowledge our late Prince of famous memory Henry the viiith for their onely King and Liege Lord?

Iren. Yes verily: in a Parliament holden in the time of Sir Anthony Saint-Leger, then Lord Deputy, all the Irish Lords and principall men came in, and being by faire meanes wrought thereunto, acknowledged King Henry for their Soveraigne Lord, reserving yet (as some say) unto themselves all their owne former priviledges and seignories inviolate.

Eudoox. Then by that acceptance of his soveraignty they also accepted of his lawes. Why then should any other lawes be now used amongst them?