Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/261

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the strengthning of the Irish, the abrogating thereof will asmuch enfeeble them.

Eudox. I like this ordinance very well; but now that you have thus divided and distinguished them, what other order will you take for their [o 1] manner of life?

Iren. The next thing that I will doe, shalbe to appoint to every one that is not able to live of his free-holde, a certaine trade of life, to which he shall finde himselfe fittest, and shalbe thought ablest, the which trade hee shalbe bound to follow, and live onely thereupon. All trades therefore are to be understood to be of three kindes, manuall, intellectual], and mixed. The first containeth all such as needeth exercise of bodily labour, to the performance of their profession. The second consisting only of the exercise of wit and reason. The third sort, part of bodily labor, and part of the wit, but depending most of Industrie and carefulnes. Of the first sort be all handycrafts and husbandry labour. Of the second be all sciences, and those which be called liberall arts.

    it beareth no other signification, then Fitz doth among the French, and (from them) the English; and Ap with the Welsh. And although it were more anciently used then the other, yet it varied according to the fathers name, and became not so soone fully settled in families.

    Sir James Ware.

  1. manner of life?] Another severe remark here follows in the manuscript mentioned in p. 237. Todd.