Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/93

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tlemen, and other warlike people, [o 1] amongst whom he distributed the land, and setled such a strong co-

  1. amongst whom he distributed the land,] King Henry the 2. gave to [i 1] Richard Strongbow Earle of Striguil or Penbroke, all Leinster, excepting the citty of Dublin, and the cantreds adjoyning with the maritime townes and castles. Unto [i 2] Robert Fitz Stephen, and Miles de Cogan he granted the kingdome of Corke, excepting the citty of Corke, and the Ostmans cantred. And unto [i 3] Philip de Bruse the kingdome of Limericke. But in a confirmation of King Iohn to William de Bruse (or Braos) nephew to this Philip, wee finde that hee gave to him onely [i 4] honorem de Limerick, retentis in dominico nostro (as the words of the charter are) civitate de Limerick & donationibus episcopatuum & abbatiarum, & retentis in manu nostra cantredo Ostmannorum & S. insulâ. Among other large graunts (remembred by Hoveden) which this King Henry gave to the first adventurers, that of Meth to Sir Hugh de Lacy is of speciall note. The grant was in these words. "Henricus Dei gratiâ Rex Angliæ, & Dux Normanniæ, & Aquitaniæ, & comes Andeganiæ. Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Iustitiarijs, & omnibus ministris & fidehbus suis Francis, Anglis & Hiberniensibus totius terrae suæ, Salutem. Sciatis me dedisse & concessisse, & praesenti chartâ meâ confirmââsse Hugoni de Lacy pro servitio suo, terram de Midiâ cum omnibus pertinentijs suis per servitium quinquaginta mihtum sibi & hæredibus suis, tenendum & habendum à me & hæredibus meis, sicut Murchardus Hu-melathlin earn tenuit, vel aliquis ahus ante ilium vel posteà. Et de incremento illi dono omnia feoda quæ praebuit, vel quæ præbebit circa Duvehniam, dum Bahvus meus est, ad faciendum mihi servitium apud civitatem meam Duveliniæ. Quare volo & firmiter præcipio, ut ipse Hugo & hæredes sui post eum praedictam terram habeant, & teneant omnes libertates & liberas consuetudines, quas ibi habeo vel habere possum per prænominatum servitium, à me & hæredibus meis, benè, & in pace, liberè, & quietè, & honorificè, in bosco & piano, in pratis & pascuis, in aquis & molédinis, in vivarijs & stagnis, & piscationibus
  1. Gir. Camb. Hib. expung. lib. 1. cap. 28.
  2. Vid. Rog. de Hoveden, pag. 567. edit. Franc. & Camd. Brit. p. 379.
  3. Rog. de Hoveden, ibid.
  4. Chart, an. 2. Io. in arce Lond.