Page:A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 2.djvu/614

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[Botany of Terra Australis.

stage, may, perhaps, be considered as formed of the calyx, and the inner consequently of corolla alone, as in Eudesmia: this view of the structure appears at least very probable in contemplating Eucalyptus globulus, in which the cicatrix caused by the separation of the outer operculum is particularly obvious, and in which also the inner operculum is of an evidently different form.

Jussieu, in some observations which he has lately made on this subject, (in Annales du mus. 19. p. 432.,) seems inclined to consider the operculum of Eucalyptus as formed of two confluent bracteæ, as is certainly the case with respect to the calyptra of Pileanthus, and of a nearly related genus of the same natural family. This account of its origin in Eucalyptus, however, is hardly consistent with the usual umbellate inflorescence of that genus; the pedicelli of an umbel being always destitute of bracteæ; and in Eucalyptus globulus, where the flowers are solitary, two distinct bracteæ are present as well as a double operculum. But a calyptra analogous to that of Pileanthus exists also in most of the species of Eucalyptus, where it is formed of the confluent bracteæ common to the whole umbel, and falls off at a very early period.


Ord. Nat. Rosaceæ.

Syst. Linn. Dodecandria Hesagynia.

Char. Gen. Calyx coloratus, 6-fidus, æstivatione valvata. Petala 0. Stam. 12, perigyna: Antherarum dorso glanduloso. Ovaria 6, distincta, monosperma, ovulo erecto. Styli terminales.

Cephalotus follicularis. Tab. 4.

Cephalotus follicularis. Labillard. nov. holl. 2. p. 7. t. 145.

In marshy ground, in the neighbourhood of King George's Sound, especially near the shores of Princess Royal Harbour, in 35° S. lat. and 118° E. long.; beginning to flower about the end of December.

DESC. Herba perennis. Caulis abbreviatus vix uncialis, demersus, sæpe sub terram divisus. Folia in apice vix emerso caulis conferta quasi radicalia, numerosa, petiolata, exstipulata, elliptica integerrima, enervia crassiuscula plana glabra pilisve raris instructa, viridia, 8-16 lineas longa. Petiolus folio vix brevior, semiteres basi parum dilatata.

Ascidia foliis intermista, petiolisque similibus porrectis parumve deflexis insidentia, in orbem circa folia digesta, respectu petioli dependentia, quoad propriam cavitatem