Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/114

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his path if it's good news; to the left if it's bad."

"You've thought out everything, haven't you?" Geoff grasped her and kissed her.

Price, with pack strapped for the march, halted beside her. The others busying themselves, turned away.

"Do I have a kiss too?" he asked.

She looked up at him startled. At that moment full realisation of one result of their search seemed to come to her. She had fought it off before, not letting herself believe that they might not find Eric Hedon alive. But now, with the final arbitrament so close, she drew back from him; yet, according to her given word, if they found that which must show her that Eric was dead this man must be her husband. And they might find that within the day.

She drew toward Latham trembling.

"For good luck?" She raised her lips.

"For good luck." He kissed her and went back to his place with the others. The boat dropped to the water and the four men sprang in. All rowing, they made good speed down