Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/156

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The Scotchman looked from one to the other and evaded: "I'd no say we'd not find him."

"But you have said so. I've heard you."

"You never heard me say that to you," the skipper charged.

"Then I overheard you. Koehler"—Latham turned—"will you say that Hedon's alive?"

"I'll say nothing about it," the doctor returned.

"But you have said something about it." Latham glanced to the others and turned back. "There's no use asking them in your presence what they think, Margaret," he said. "But they know what they believe, and I know it and so do you; and it's what you also believe. They're all weak enough before you to fill you with more hopes and keep you here through the winter night, but I'll not. McNeal, we start now full speed, without halt, to get to Greenland."

The Scotch skipper met his eyes fairly. "Do we?" he asked.

"I've said so. We do."

McNeal shot a glance at his mates. "Do we,