Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/222

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"Shut up!" commanded Latham hotly.

"Very good, sir. Thank you, sir. Very good, sir!" Linn jeered on.

Latham's reply was inarticulate; evidently it was some action, for Michaelis sharply cried: "Look out!"

At the same moment Geoff felt McNeal's bandaged hand grasp him.

"Go in and stop that!" the skipper whispered hoarsely; and Koehler already was moving. But before either got to the tunnel, Brunton, in the other shelter, had interfered and quiet, if not peace, was restored. Geoff lay back in silence, thinking.

One fact was absolutely clear to him: If the party got through all right, some one was going to pay Latham for what he had endured. Geoff tingled hot in the rage of his helplessness as he realised what must be the result if, after all they had borne and might still endure, they got home safe. Latham would hold Margaret to her pledge; of that he was certain. Whether or not they found Eric Hedon, or upon return learned that he had reached civilisation safely, Latham would require his recom-