Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/231

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"Oh, doctor!" Geoff called. "Come quick!"

Koehler caught the tone; it was the cry of need for his help as a physician.

"What's happened? Who's hurt?" he asked.



"Doctor—Eric Hedon!"


"That's Eric! We shot him. He's dead!"

The surgeon came up and saw. The others had no more to tell him; he had witnessed all that they had done. He took the body from Brunton's arms and pulled the hood farther back. A gush of blood flowed over the frozen streak as the physician worked; he felt under the coat and looked up.

"There may be a chance!" Koehler whispered.

"Of life?"

"I'll see." The doctor felt skilfully over the wound in the head; then he looked up. "Unless you've hit him somewhere else he may live!"

"May live?"

"We'll know better in a moment."