Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/233

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one of the sledge expedition from the Aurora when Eric had frozen his feet. Hedon was speaking again.

"Who's here, Koehler?" he was saying. "Who's here?"

"We came for you, Eric," the doctor said slowly and distinctly. "We came back for you."

"I know. Thomas is dead." Hedon replied. "I buried him; he——"

"We know about that, Eric," Koehler said quietly. "We went up there and found your record—at Mason Land."

"At Mason Land!" Hedon repeated. "You went there? Who went?" he persisted.

Koehler tried to quiet him.

Hedon opened his eyes and moved so as to look past the doctor and saw Geoff and Latham, whom he did not seem to know.

"Hello, Brunton!" he hailed weakly. "I know you came up for me, doctor," he continued. "I heard that. But—you're all right?"

"We're all right." Brunton, bending over him, seized Hedon's arm, and moaned.